Complete Youth Offense



Complete Youth Offense



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What offense am I going to run? How am I going to teach it? Will it be too much for my kids? Will we actually be able to run an offense? The Motion Offense is broken down into pieces and built up so it can be easily learned by your young players. Creating space on the floor is key to running a successful offense and this offense will keep your players spread on the floor. Once you get to the point where your players have the offense down you can mix in quick hitters (set plays that allow for quick scoring opportunities) that will seamlessly have you into the offense. Coach Randy Erickson also shows you how to simply the offense for even the youngest players. Whether or not you have coached youth basketball before, Complete Youth Offense provides simplified offenses that both the coach and player can pick up quickly. The offenses promote team play and fundamental skills of basketball.s a step above the others.

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